Shape Your Opinion.
Think deeper. Share smarter. In a world overwhelmed by noise and rapid reactions, Crux empowers you to reflect, think critically, and share your nuanced perspective on today’s most important topics.
How It Works
Four daily questions rooted in the Socratic Method help you examine complex topics from multiple angles – helping you clarify your own thinking and moving beyond one-dimensional reaction.
Step 1: Receive daily prompts — Crux delivers a new thought-provoking topic every day.
Step 2: Answer insightful questions — Reflect on the topic and answer guided questions.
Step 3: Create your Crux artifact — A visual representation of your thoughtful opinion.
Step 4: Share — Share your views with friends and family
The Crux
Your thoughtful take on the four questions — in a visual form. The crux is designed to capture multiple lines of thinking, giving you a visual symbol that reflects your deeper thoughts.
A subtle yet powerful way to share your opinions.
Go Deeper with
Crux Pro
Take your thoughtful engagement to the next level and unlock advanced features for greater insight.
AI-Powered Suggestions: Personalized prompts based on your interests and past responses.
Personal Analytics: Track your opinions over time and see how they evolve.
Advanced Topics: Dive deeper into complex issues with AI-assisted deeper questions.
Enhanced Sharing: Share your nuanced thoughts with greater control over customization.
Future Community Features: Compare your opinions with others and join a network of thoughtful thinkers.